# Chevereto V4 Docs


Chevereto (opens new window) is a robust, self-hosted media-sharing platform that prioritizes flexibility and control. It enables you to build and manage a media-sharing website on your own server, granting you complete autonomy over your hosting environment and policies. With Chevereto, you eliminate the risk of platform restrictions and shutdowns, ensuring your site operates entirely on your terms.


# Install

Chevereto runs anywhere, system requirements are minimal and it can run on any server.

Install Chevereto following our guides for:

Chevereto is also available at DigitalOcean Marketplace (opens new window), Vultr Marketplace (opens new window), EasyPanel (opens new window), Installatron (opens new window), Softaculous (opens new window) and SwiftWave (opens new window).

Review our Installation docs for all alternatives.

# Updating

For Chevereto V4 users:

# Upgrading

For Chevereto V3 users:

# Troubleshooting

Got a Something went wrong message? Don't panic and check our Troubleshooting guide.

# Support

Go to chevereto.com/support (opens new window).