# API Version 1.1
Chevereto API enables programmatic file uploads, allowing you to seamlessly integrate our uploading functionality into your own applications.
# Key
API V1.1 works with an user key which is available for each user at /settings/api
Admin user can set the public API key for guest uploads at the Dashboard panel (opens new window).
# Request method
API V1 calls can be made using POST or GET request methods.
POST request method is recommended.
# Request URL
# Authorization
API V1.1 supports header authorization by passing the X-API-Key
header with an API key.
X-API-Key: chv_key_here
# Parameters
# source
A binary file, base64 data, or a URL for an image.
# key (optional)
The API key. You can use this parameter if unable to provide auth via headers.
# title (optional)
File title. This is automatically detected from metadata if not provided.
# description (optional)
File description. This is automatically detected from metadata if not provided.
# tags (optional)
File tag(s). Comma separated list of tags.
# album_id (optional)
File album id, must be owned by the API key user.
# category_id (optional)
Category id. Determines the file category to assign.
# width (optional)
Target resize width, will automatic detect height.
# expiration (optional)
Expiration time to auto-delete the file in date interval format. For example, PT5M for five minutes in the future. P3D for three days in the future.
# nsfw (optional)
Not safe for work flag [0, 1]
# format (optional)
Return format [json, redirect, txt]
# use_file_date (optional, admin only)
Configure to use file date taken (Exif) instead of upload date [0, 1]
# Example call
curl --fail-with-body -X POST \
-H "X-API-Key: $key" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-F "source=@image.jpeg" \
# API response
API V1 responses will vary depending on the format parameter:
Format | Output |
json | Image upload info in JSON format (default) |
txt | Image direct URL in text/plain format |
redirect | Redirects to the image viewer URL |
When using JSON the response output will contain the status_txt
and status_code
# Example response (JSON)
"status_code": 200,
"success": {
"message": "file uploaded",
"code": 200
"image": {
"name": "Badgers-animated-music-video",
"extension": "mp4",
"size": 3011299,
"width": 496,
"height": 360,
"date": "2024-10-10 16:58:00",
"date_gmt": "2024-10-10 19:58:00",
"title": "Badgers animated music video MrWeebl",
"tags": [],
"description": null,
"nsfw": 0,
"storage_mode": "datefolder",
"md5": "7a120d5c28de264bdbb934f023a628fd",
"source_md5": null,
"original_filename": "Badgers _ animated music video _ MrWeebl.mp4",
"original_exifdata": null,
"views": 0,
"category_id": null,
"chain": 21,
"thumb_size": 21212,
"medium_size": 0,
"frame_size": 19804,
"expiration_date_gmt": "2024-10-10 20:28:00",
"likes": 0,
"is_animated": 0,
"is_approved": 1,
"is_360": 0,
"duration": 73,
"type": "video",
"tags_string": "",
"file": {
"resource": {
"type": "url"
"id_encoded": "ZfGd",
"filename": "Badgers-animated-music-video.mp4",
"mime": "video/mp4",
"url": "http://localhost/images/2024/10/10/Badgers-animated-music-video.mp4",
"ratio": 1.3777777777777778,
"size_formatted": "3 MB",
"frame": {
"filename": "Badgers-animated-music-video.fr.jpeg",
"name": "Badgers-animated-music-video.fr",
"mime": "image/jpeg",
"extension": "jpeg",
"url": "http://localhost/images/2024/10/10/Badgers-animated-music-video.fr.jpeg",
"size": 19804
"image": {
"filename": "Badgers-animated-music-video.mp4",
"name": "Badgers-animated-music-video",
"mime": "video/mp4",
"extension": "mp4",
"url": "http://localhost/images/2024/10/10/Badgers-animated-music-video.mp4",
"size": 3011299
"thumb": {
"filename": "Badgers-animated-music-video.th.jpeg",
"name": "Badgers-animated-music-video.th",
"mime": "image/jpeg",
"extension": "jpeg",
"url": "http://localhost/images/2024/10/10/Badgers-animated-music-video.th.jpeg",
"size": 21212
"url_frame": "http://localhost/images/2024/10/10/Badgers-animated-music-video.fr.jpeg",
"medium": {
"filename": null,
"name": null,
"mime": null,
"extension": null,
"url": null
"duration_time": "01:13",
"url_viewer": "http://localhost/clip/Badgers-animated-music-video-MrWeebl.ZfGd",
"path_viewer": "/clip/Badgers-animated-music-video-MrWeebl.ZfGd",
"url_short": "http://localhost/clip/ZfGd",
"display_url": "http://localhost/images/2024/10/10/Badgers-animated-music-video.fr.jpeg",
"display_width": 496,
"display_height": 360,
"views_label": "views",
"likes_label": "likes",
"how_long_ago": "moments ago",
"date_fixed_peer": "2024-10-10 19:58:00",
"title_truncated": "Badgers animated music vi...",
"title_truncated_html": "Badgers animated music vi...",
"is_use_loader": false,
"display_title": "Badgers animated music video MrWeebl",
"delete_url": "http://localhost/clip/ZfGd/delete/e8b07479818bc58d3b9849c431e9c2b28827ccce7809ed4f"
"status_txt": "OK"
# Example response (txt)
# Example response (redirect)
Location: /clip/Badgers-animated-music-video-MrWeebl.ZfGd
Debug →