# API Version 1.1

Chevereto API V1 was introduced in Chevereto V2 and it allows to upload pictures as guest to a Chevereto website.

Chevereto V4 updates API V1 to 1.1 introducing support for user API keys and more upload parameters including title, width, and more.

# Key

API V1.1 works with an user key which is available for each user at /settings/api. Admin user can set the public API key for guest uploads at the Dashboard panel (opens new window).

# Request method

API V1 calls can be made using POST or GET request methods.

POST request method is recommended.

# Request URL


# Authorization

API V1.1 supports header authorization by passing the X-API-Key header with an API key.

X-API-Key: chv_asd_somekeyhere

# Parameters

# Required Parameters

Name Description
source A image URL or a base64 (opens new window) encoded image string. Also supports FILES["source"].

# Optional Parameters

Name Description
title Image title
description Image description
album_id Image album id, must be owned by the user (encoded string)
category_id Category id (integer)
width Target resize width (automatic height)
expiration Expiration time to auto-delete the image
nsfw Not safe for work flag (integer 0, 1)
format Return format, values json, redirect, txt

# Legacy Parameters

Name Description
key The API key (see Authorization)

# Expiration table

Following values can be used for expiration parameter.

Value Expires after
PT5M 5 minutes
PT15M 15 minutes
PT30M 30 minutes
PT1H 1 hour
PT3H 3 hours
PT6H 6 hours
PT12H 12 hours
P1D 1 day
P2D 2 days
P3D 3 days
P4D 4 days
P5D 5 days
P6D 6 days
P1W 1 week
P2W 2 weeks
P3W 3 weeks
P1M 1 month
P2M 2 months
P3M 3 months
P4M 4 months
P5M 5 months
P6M 6 months
P1Y 1 year

# Compatibility with ImgBB API

ImgBB is a popular service based on Chevereto V3.

Any existing ImgBB API client (opens new window) is compatible with Chevereto V4's API V1.1, simple as change the domain name.

# Example call

POST http://mysite.com/api/1/upload/

# API response

API V1 responses will vary depending on the format parameter:

Format Output
json Image upload info in JSON format (default)
txt Image direct URL in text/plain format
redirect Redirects to the image viewer URL

When using JSON the response output will contain the status_txt and status_code properties.

# Example response (JSON)

  "status_code": 200,
  "success": {
    "message": "image uploaded",
    "code": 200
  "image": {
    "name": "cannon-zoom-lens",
    "extension": "jpeg",
    "size": 296362,
    "width": 1920,
    "height": 1280,
    "date": "2024-03-20 15:49:31",
    "date_gmt": "2024-03-20 18:49:31",
    "title": "cannon zoom lens",
    "description": null,
    "nsfw": 0,
    "storage_mode": "datefolder",
    "md5": "fde3bfd2a50ce00f0be0c32ec7088240",
    "source_md5": null,
    "original_filename": "cannon-zoom-lens.jpg",
    "original_exifdata": "{\"FileName\":\"chvtempQmM74X\",\"FileDateTime\":\"1710960571\",\"FileSize\":\"296362\",\"FileType\":\"2\",\"MimeType\":\"image\\/jpeg\",\"SectionsFound\":\"\",\"COMPUTED\":{\"html\":\"width=\\\"1920\\\" height=\\\"1280\\\"\",\"Height\":\"1280\",\"Width\":\"1920\",\"IsColor\":\"1\"},\"IPTC\":[],\"width\":\"1920\",\"height\":\"1280\"}",
    "views": 0,
    "category_id": null,
    "chain": 7,
    "thumb_size": 35327,
    "medium_size": 48481,
    "expiration_date_gmt": null,
    "likes": 0,
    "is_animated": 0,
    "is_approved": 1,
    "is_360": 0,
    "file": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "path"
    "id_encoded": "vZxn",
    "filename": "cannon-zoom-lens.jpeg",
    "mime": "image/jpeg",
    "url": "http://localhost/images/2024/03/20/cannon-zoom-lens.jpeg",
    "url_viewer": "http://localhost/image/cannon-zoom-lens.vZxn",
    "path_viewer": "/image/cannon-zoom-lens.vZxn",
    "url_short": "http://localhost/image/vZxn",
    "image": {
      "filename": "cannon-zoom-lens.jpeg",
      "name": "cannon-zoom-lens",
      "mime": "image/jpeg",
      "extension": "jpeg",
      "url": "http://localhost/images/2024/03/20/cannon-zoom-lens.jpeg",
      "size": 296362
    "thumb": {
      "filename": "cannon-zoom-lens.th.jpeg",
      "name": "cannon-zoom-lens.th",
      "mime": "image/jpeg",
      "extension": "jpeg",
      "url": "http://localhost/images/2024/03/20/cannon-zoom-lens.th.jpeg",
      "size": 35327
    "medium": {
      "filename": "cannon-zoom-lens.md.jpeg",
      "name": "cannon-zoom-lens.md",
      "mime": "image/jpeg",
      "extension": "jpeg",
      "url": "http://localhost/images/2024/03/20/cannon-zoom-lens.md.jpeg",
      "size": 48481
    "size_formatted": "296.4 KB",
    "display_url": "http://localhost/images/2024/03/20/cannon-zoom-lens.md.jpeg",
    "display_width": "500",
    "display_height": 333,
    "views_label": "views",
    "likes_label": "likes",
    "how_long_ago": "moments ago",
    "date_fixed_peer": "2024-03-20 18:49:31",
    "title_truncated": "cannon zoom lens",
    "title_truncated_html": "cannon zoom lens",
    "is_use_loader": false,
    "delete_url": "http://localhost/image/vZxn/delete/9ed729f18b596631068d19f3d22bd5fff3a2a1d4c57d13cd"
  "status_txt": "OK"

# Example response (txt)