# Updating

This process is for instances already running Chevereto V4. The process consist in update software files and then proceed with database migrations.

# Software filesystem update

To update the software files depends on how you installed Chevereto. Follow the instructions for your installation method.

# Release package

This applies to any non-Docker installation.

Note: For paid edition and if you haven't entered your license key make to visit /dashboard/?license first.

  • Go to /dashboard
  • Click on Check upgrades button
  • Follow the on-screen upgrade instructions

For CLI driven update run the following command:

php app/upgrading.php

If you need to force upgrade (re-download software files) you can do it by accessing to /dashboard/?upgrade.

For manual upgrade refer to Installing for instructions on how to install the software files.

# Docker

When using Docker it will required to re-build the Chevereto image (make image (opens new window) or docker build (opens new window)) and then re-start the containers.

Refer to UPDATING (opens new window) for instructions.

# Database update

Once the software files gets updated it will required to update the Chevereto database schema. This process can be carried on HTTP or command-line context.

# HTTP database update

To update Chevereto database via web:

  • Login as Admin
  • Go to /update

# CLI database update

To update Chevereto database from the command line:

  • SSH and cd to your Chevereto instance
  • Run CLI update app/bin/legacy -C update