# 4.0 Macanudo
Chevereto v4.0 codename Macanudo (opens new window) is a re-write of the entire codebase. Its development took five years and it settles the ground base for the transition towards a headless API.
# Videos
- Features summary (opens new window)
- Chevereto v4.0.6 (opens new window)
- Chevereto v4.0.7 (opens new window)
# Custom semantics
Fits your context.
Configure the terms used for all content labels including images, albums, categories and more. With semantics you can now bend Chevereto to wrap your content and context the exact way you want, providing a more engaging experience for your users.
With Chevereto you define the context.
# Call to action buttons
Get more leads.
Add buttons for custom actions pointing to a purchase link, messenger contact, send an email, book calendar and more. With CTA buttons Chevereto turns into an attractive gallery to showcase anything you need to offer.
Offer anything with Chevereto and easy plug it to the world.
# User-based API
API available to all users.
With the API V1.1 users can interact with Chevereto from another system, i.e. to upload screenshots using ShareX (opens new window) directly to the user's account.
Enable uploading to Chevereto from anywhere.
# Theme palettes
Give color.
User-selectable theme palettes with plenty of choices to pick from. Users can preview changes on the fly and easy switch colors from their profile menu.
Brings a new visual comfort layer to Chevereto.
# Mobile gorgeous
Better on mobile devices.
The mobile experience has been improved with a focus in make the user interface more predictable with scrolling tabs, haptic feedback and fancy effects all-aboard the display.
Best mobile experience for Chevereto.
# Faster rendering
The fast and the htmlorious.
Listings, TFFB and HTML rendering have been massively improved with lazy load listings and a myriad of enhancements to make your websites load faster.
Delivers your Chevereto website, faster and more SEO friendly.
# Keyboard shortcuts
⌨️ Do more in less time.
All buttons include a keyboard shortcut binding to provide a richer user experience enabling to chop these roundtrips of the trackpad.
Chevereto gets delightful productive.
# CSAM protection
Project Arachnid integration.
Operated by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, Project Arachnid (opens new window) is an innovative tool to combat the growing proliferation of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) on the internet.
Adds CSAM protection to Chevereto.
# Folder upload
Drag-and-drop without hassle.
Drop folder upload support. Easy as drag the folder to the uploader screen and it will queue compatible files for uploading.
Easier to upload tons of content to Chevereto.
# Two-factor auth
Time-based one-time password.
Authentication using TOTP enables users to strength their accounts by adding a second security layer. If someone gets access to a user password it will be useless without the two-factor device.
Enables safer account security for Chevereto.
# xrDebug
The friendly debug tool.
The debug process doesn't need to be for hackers neither a pain requiring to install server libraries for it. With xrDebug (opens new window) you can easy debug on the web browser. Enjoy a beautiful modern debugger with a focus in minimalism and message export tools.
Comes built-in with a debug application made by us, for us.
# Improved console
Boosted CLI tools.
The application console has been improved with commands for encrypt, decrypt, password reset, settings handling and more.
Provides extra console commands for Chevereto.
Stop dying all the time.
Built-in REPL support for both console and desktop. The joy for developers, spawn an interactive context where any code can be evaluated and studied.
Easy exploratory programming for the Chevereto application.
# Web Share API
Enhanced sharing experience.
With Web Share API (opens new window) users can enjoy seamless sharing natively integrated with their target device.
Powers device context aware sharing options for Chevereto.
# Root routing settings
Own the /root
Routing configuration enables to select what resolves at root level. Either images, users or albums, the root can be configured to suit any need.
Sparks freedom of choice for the most important routes for your website.
# Uses Chevere software
¡Que chévere!
Includes superb software packages like ThrowableHandler (opens new window), xrDebug (opens new window) and VarDump (opens new window). The application is made on top of an entire software foundation made for us.
Introduces Chevere (opens new window) software for Chevereto.
# Encrypted secrets
Safe application secrets.
Sensible secrets like email provider or external storage credentials can be stored using a cipher. The encrypted secrets keep the data safe brings peace of mind when delegating the database system to another party.
Adds another layer of security for Chevereto systems.
# Image delete link
And it's gone!
Image uploads include a unique delete link which on access will permanently remove the image. This adds portability for the content building block of all installations.
Adds another layer for image disposal.
# One-click system update
Easy as pie.
Update the system with a single click, directly from the dashboard panel. Manage your Chevereto license with ease, and keep your system up-to-date.
# Tons of small bits
Little details everywhere.
Review the complete changelog starting at V4.0.0.beta.1 (opens new window) and carried over a year. There are tons of exciting new Macanudas features in this Chevereto version.
- Text-based logo
- Zoomable listing viewer
- Extended configurable system settings
- Re-classified error codes
- FontAwesome 6 on all icons
- Better screen usage on mobile
- More configurable restrictions for guest
- Root-level maximum limits
- Improved SEO