# Theme

Chevereto's built-in theme is designed to offer a turn-key experience for users and you may customize it using several methods.

# Theme overrides


Theme overrides can be used to override any file in the theme.

Theme overrides works by detecting a file override which replaces a given theme file, so the system will use the override instead of the default file. Overrides are placed at content/legacy/themes/Peafowl/overrides/ directory and follow the same structure as the theme.

For example, let's say you want to replace content/legacy/themes/Peafowl/views/image.php. To do this copy the file to content/legacy/themes/Peafowl/overrides/views/image.php, make some changes and you will notice that the system now use the override instead of the default file.

# Custom hooks


Custom hooks allows to add or edit code in designated areas or segments of the theme.

List of available custom hooks:

  • body_open.php
  • footer.php
  • head_after.php
  • head_open.php
  • head.php
  • header.php
  • share_links.php
  • style.css

For example, to customize the share buttons using custom hooks:

  • Go to the theme custom hooks folder at content/legacy/themes/Peafowl/custom_hooks/
  • Make a copy of share_links.sample.php (do all your editing needed in this copy)
  • Rename your working copy to share_links.php

Chevereto will detect your hooks and it will load these files.

# Clone default theme

If you need more customization you should clone the default "Peafowl" theme and do your work in this new theme.

To clone the default theme:

  • Copy content/legacy/themes/Peafowl/ and paste it in the same directory
  • Name your new theme as anything you want (no white spaces)

Best way to keep a track of default theme changes is by creating a local git repo in your computer. Create a local git repo with last Chevereto version and commit each time you want to merge the code and will be able to see exactly all the changes line by line.